Saturday, May 22, 2010

WWPL DFW – Week 8

My confidence in providing face-to-face information services continues to grow. I actually think I’m getting better at it. That said, I do have one regret this week. A gentleman was looking for older issues of the Consumers Guide. I started to direct him to the periodicals section, but he said he was told by someone at the front desk that we keep only the most current year. I thought that was odd, but he acted like he had already investigated the periodical archives, and so I did not push the issue. He wanted to know if there was somewhere else that he could get a hold of them. I told him that I was not aware of where he could get print copies, but perhaps the online Consumer Reports might provide him the information he is looking for. I showed him where to access it through the library web page. He thanked me and left. I felt dissatisfied with the transaction with him and so I went to the periodicals to verify for myself that he had been given correct information. As it turned out, the library may not keep past issues of the Consumers Guide (the annual digest), but it does keep past issues of the monthly Consumers Report. In that the annual guide is simply a synopsis of the monthly reports, I really think we had what he was looking for. I am mad at myself for sending him away without checking into the situation more thoroughly myself.

This week I put together an outline for the presentation of the Novelist features and functionality. I shared it with Alexis and she agreed with the proposed information flow. She added a few additional features she would like me to highlight. The next step is to script the commentary, and then record and edit the video presentation.

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