Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Week 2 - Topical Heat Wave

This week I used several of the suggested resources to find three global topics for research. I found Google Directory to be the most useful. I then chose two links related to one of my topics to evaluate the quality of the web sources. After that, I investigated the Library resources that are available to me as a Distance Learning student and found that there are many options and services. I then utilized my SCCC online Library privileges to access Britannica Online. There I did further "pre-search" of my chosen research topic and completed my formal Topic Proposal assignment.

I found that the search term "Global Warming" was sufficient for finding information on the subject. Since I am interested in researching opposing views, I added this phrase to my search criteria. I was delighted to find that Google Directory has a dedicated list under the title of "Opposing Views". It made it much easier to find articles with non-standard viewpoints.

All in all, I had fun this week. I am pleased that this class is living up to my expectations.

1 comment:

Meryl said...

Very clever title for Week 2. :)