Saturday, September 27, 2008

Last Day

Foiled Again

More parking lot woes. This morning I arrived, as usual, at the E1 parking lot, only to discover that the whole thing was closed due to it being game day. I’m thinking, “O great, now where am I going to park?” I got out my trusty campus map, put on my new reading glasses, and plotted my route to another campus parking lot well away from the Husky stadium. I thought I had it figured out, but as I drove along I couldn’t find 45th Street. Before I knew it I was well beyond it. I turned around and came back. There was still no 45th Street. Fortunately, I noticed a sign for game day parking that said “open” and I thought to myself, “It may cost a fortune, but I’ll take it!” Later I discovered that the access point to 45th street was further east than I expected and that I was actually driving right underneath of it (the street ascends and becomes an overpass at that point). “Live and learn!”

Sutton Privilege

Today we attended the final residency session for Fall Quarter 2008. Talk about saving the best for last! Associate Professor Stuart Sutton is amazing. He sure put things into perspective for me. My fears and apprehensions have definitely subsided as a result of his “pep talk”. I’m told he has been the anchor of the UW iSchool MLIS program. He is slated to retire at the end of this school year, and thus we are his last LIS 500 class. I feel very privileged to be taking a class from such an icon. I am only sorry he will be leaving so soon after my start.

We, the incoming 2008 cohort, have made our connections with each other, the iSchool staff, and faculty. Now we all return to our homes in different parts of the country (or outside the U.S. for some) and we carry on our relationships and studies from afar. I am very thankful the UW iSchool has the residency requirement. I now feel very connected to my new community.

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