Friday, September 26, 2008

Note to Self:

#1 Be sure to check your Husky account balance after making a large purchase…

By now, I have mastered the parking lot scanning machines. I know which machine works better than the other. I know how to scan my card correctly. So, this morning I was looking forward to smooth sailing, now that I am an “expert”. I swiped my card and waited for it to flash $3.00 on the LED and then for the gate to swing up and allow me passage into the E1 lot. Well, instead it came back and said, “Insufficient Funds” and then it wanted me to feed it $6.00 in currency. Grrrrr!!!!! Now I’m scrambling to get into my wallet and I’m just praying that I have the correct change. It’s all because I stopped by the University Bookstore yesterday and I used my Husky card to make a rather large purchase and then I didn’t think to check the remaining balance on my account.

#2 Be sure to check the signs before entering the restroom…

Today I used the men’s room. I didn’t intend to use the men’s room, but with my brain in a fog from a long day of classes I walked right into it thinking I was entering the ladies room. Oddly enough there was nothing inside to make me think I was in a men’s room. There were only stalls – no urinals (at least not that I noticed). There was somebody in one of the two stalls, but they were just two legs with feet to me. I used the empty stall, and then stopped to wash my hands before exiting the restroom. Just as I was drying my hands with a paper towel, the toilet flushes in the other stall and, much to my surprise, out comes one of my male classmates. My first thought was, “Why is he in the ladies room?” Then I realized, “Oh no, I’m in the men’s room!” Boy, did I high tail it out there as quick as possible. I didn’t say a word and I didn’t look back. Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb…

#3 Don’t panic…

This morning’s part two of the LIS 510 residency class was by far the most intense thus far. I feel like they dumped the river on us. Text book readings, article readings, optional readings, research, analysis, assignments, group projects, individual projects, reports – oh my! Yikes! Lord, just take me now!

But, I reminded myself that I am in the same boat as all of my cohorts, and my fear is shared by most everyone. I now belong to an amazing community and I have no doubt that we will help each other through as we all learn how to play this new game. My little group continues to gel, and I continue to feel blessed to be teamed up with three fantastic cohorts.

Old, Tired Eyes

In addition to making several notations to myself today, I also bought my first pair of reading glasses. I've been on the threshold for awhile. This week at school, being given myriads of handouts with tiny font, I found it to be more and more of a struggle to read them. So, I've given these old, tired eyes a boost. Sorry mom. This ought to make you feel really old knowing that your middle aged daughter has now joined the ranks of reading glass wearers.

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