Saturday, January 30, 2010

WWCC DFW – Week 4

I am very excited about the progress I made on the media collection inventory project this week. I am thankful for Janelle’s help and support in the process. On my behalf, she asked the KOHA report “guru” how to run a shelf list report (which we had determined may prove more useful than the Inventory/Stocktaking report). Josh responded by creating an SQL shelf list query. Through experimentation, I was able to tweak Josh’s SQL query to fit my needs. This produced a .csv download file that I was able to pull into Excel. I used ASAP Utilities to parse out periods and spaces from the call numbers, which then allowed me to do a true sort on that field. With only a few exceptions, this proved to be comparable to actual shelf order. It appears that the Excel report will give me a control list against which I will be able to run the inventory.

After reviewing the process with Darcy (my DFW supervisor), I have put together a “plan of attack” for inventorying the media collection starting next week. It will be a bit of trial and error, but I believe I will be able to document a reasonable process that the WWCC staff will be able to duplicate, when all is said and done.

In the meantime, Quill and I have been solidifying the Information Literacy Outcomes. I should be able to begin the curriculum inventory next week as well.

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